where junk meets terrific...sometimes

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I love my sister

My sister Tanya is always supportive of my creative endeavors. So when she heard of my Junk-a-rific idea she went crazy. She found tons of free stuff on Craig's list and tons of freecycle stuff. She is a superstar! So I took some of the things that she gave me and created last weekend....

So, we think the green dome shaped thing was once a lid to a thermos? I put a foam ball in it and some sunflowers and happened to have a clip (given to me by somebody last school year) and put those together to make a desk top picture holder! That is my sis when she was in jr high a few years ago!

Then I took the old tool box and some flowers and some spanish moss and put those together with some hot glue and made a cute thing. It's now on my front door.